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15 May, 2015

Deeply Rooted Magazine's One Year Anniversary Celebration

In late January of 2014, I took a leap of faith and hit "publish" for a crowd-funding campaign that would soon launch this magazine. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that God had laid it on my heart to start a Gospel-centered magazine for Christian women that contained rich content and beautiful design. My heart was burdened for the Christian women of this generation, and although my resources were extremely limited, I knew that if he was calling me to this he would provide. And he did...
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14 May, 2015

Living with Migraines: Encouragement for the Chronically Ill

Darkness. Silence. Cold. Stillness. The strategies are always the same for migraine warfare. Those who've ever fought that battle know what it takes, both from you and out of you. They know the routine and the absolute necessity of those weapons. It's a battle I've fought hundreds of times...
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10 May, 2015

A Letter to my Daughter about Beauty

There are certain things that I wish I could tell you, but I suspect that they are the sort of things that you will have to learn for yourself—the sort of lessons that stick better when they come after years of struggle. Perhaps there is something in the struggle that is important, I don’t know. But here is one of them: you are beautiful...
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30 Apr, 2015

Life in Marriage

Marriage. Depending on whom you ask, just that word alone conjures up so many different opinions, ideas, and emotions. We all hear the jokes, the “ball and chain” nicknames, the unfortunate complaints. Marriage has become a derogatory affair rampant with self-seeking actions...
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