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RSS Blog Feed

10 Jun, 2015

Announcing Issue No. 6: Light

We are so very excited to give you a glimpse into our upcoming Summer issue, Light. Its theme is centered around being a light in the world and clinging to the light rather than to darkness . . .
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04 Jun, 2015

Building Blocks

It’s not my responsibility to build my life. It’s my responsibility to follow Jesus, and to obey him in all things. It is my responsibility to be a part of the body of Christ, and to help others and let them help me (1 Thess. 5:11). Because I need help, all the time and every day. In my very declaration of faith in Jesus, I am acknowledging that I am a sinner in need of the deepest kind of help—I am acknowledging that I cannot save even my own life...

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28 May, 2015

DIY: Cotton Stem Wreath—A Fresh Look for Summertime

There is something about bringing nature into my home that strikes my heart. I find that it connects me to creation in a way that nothing else can. To go outside and experience it is to remove yourself from your home, but to bring the outside in allows you to maintain a constant connection with creation, and in turn, the Father’s heart...
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26 May, 2015

An Identity That Lasts

When we moved it was so difficult for me to tell people about our lives in the here and now. My identity had become so entangled with ministry that not being a part of it left me feeling like I was walking around with half of my face missing. I felt awkward and self-conscious when I met new people. I wasn’t sure who I was anymore, so I was even less sure of how to present myself to others. I grew to dread meeting new people because I thought I had to come up with some sort of important or meaningful identity...

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