Our "Statement of Faith" is here to serve as the essential beliefs of Christianity that our organization clings to.
- WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the only, inspired word of God made up of 66 books (39 books of the Old Testament and 27 of the New Testament.) It is infallible and the final authority on every subject for all of mankind.
- WE BELIEVE that sin is clearly outlined in the Bible. We believe in reading the Bible in context, and that its Biblical commands are still valid and applicable for today.
WE BELIEVE there is only one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.
- WE BELIEVE in the divinity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His undeserved, atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- WE BELIEVE that all men and women are sinful by nature and it is absolutely essential that they recognize their sinful nature, ask God for forgiveness, repent of their sin and turn from their sinful ways. We believe this is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ.
- WE BELIEVE that salvation is by grace, through faith and not of works.
- WE BELIEVE in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of all Believers that enables us to live a godly life.
WE BELIEVE in the second coming of Christ, a future, eternal life, bodily resurrection, and coming eternal judgment.
Our “Guiding Principles” clarify our position on particular controversial issues that we face today. This provides our readers with an idea of the key beliefs that our magazine and team members hold to.
WE BELIEVE that the number one purpose of our life is to know God through a personal relationship with Him and to bring Him glory in all that we do. We believe this starts with ourselves, then our families and follows with the broken world around us.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
WE BELIEVE that God created man and woman equally. We believe that marriage is a sacred covenant with God and should only be between one man and one woman. We believe this commitment is sealed for a lifetime – through sickness, financial crisis, emotional stresses, the good, the bad and the ugly. We believe that a woman is called to submit under the headship of her husband, whose headship is Christ. This earthly model is comparable to Christ’s submission to the Father.
“Haven't you read,” He replied, “that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.'” (Matthew 19:4-6)
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (Ephesians 5:22- 23)
WE BELIEVE in the value of children. We believe that we are accountable for raising up the next generation and it is essential that we model Godly principles in our own lives as parents.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)
. . . and you shall warn them [children] about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. (Exodus 18:20) -
WE BELIEVE in the sanctity of life. The Bible tells us that we are created in God’s own image and therefore, we believe in caring for men, women of all shapes, sizes, and color. This includes but is not limited to: the unborn, the old, the handicapped, the orphaned, the widowed, the homeless, and every other condition in which being a human is expressed from a single cell to natural death. Christians are called to protect, defend, care for, and value all human life.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14a)
The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
We live in an age where clarity is absolutely essential and this serves to clarify and, therefore, the purpose for asking our Staff and Contributors to sign a statement of faith is to ensure that all the people working within this ministry remain unified in their belief and practice of living, given the nature of our magazine. We have attempted to keep all statements tied closely to the most basic beliefs of Evangelical Christianity because we recognize that there is varying doctrine among denominations.