To encourage, equip, and inspire Christ-following women into a deeply rooted relationship with Jesus Christ.
Websites like Pinterest are proof that women are searching. It could be a workout plan, a perfectly curated wardrobe, or a collection of self-help quotes. If you untangle all the webs, you will find one common denominator and that is the desire to improve self and quality of life -- neither of which satisfy outside of Christ. Unfortunately, many Christian women are caught in the undercurrent of it all. Deeply Rooted Magazine serves to be a light in the midst of the things that work overtime to steal our attention and affection away from God. Through our publication, we deliver rich content, written and created by published authors, pastors, women, and talented artists. Our Gospel-centered articles are filled with lots of practical application, forming a magazine that will encourage, inspire, and challenge you with solid, Biblical truth.
Deeply Rooted Magazine is an ad-free, 132 page publication printed annually on premium, uncoated paper. Its clean design, high standards for presentation, and carefully curated content means Deeply Rooted Magazine can easily transition from coffee table centerpiece to devotional companion.