Rooted in Christ: What is Scripture? | S1E2
This is the second episode in our series titled, "Rooted in Christ." We live in a world where many believe that truth is subjective. One person’s truth may not be your truth. The Christian, however, acknowledges a higher standard for truth: God’s Word. In this episode, Ethan and Dianne Jago answer the following questions:
- What is Scripture?
- What is the Christian’s source of truth?
- What role does Scripture have in a Believer’s life?
“Most people … don’t believe there is an absolute truth.”
“If truth is subjective then what I think is right is probably going to think is different from what you think is right.”
“We have our standard, we know what our source of truth is. It’s the Bible. It’s Scripture. It’s the inspired, divine Word of God.”
“When Israel forgot God, they ended up neglecting Him and whole generations fell into sin. We really need it [God’s Word] to be our guiding force 24/7.”
“All truth necessary for salvation and spiritual life is taught explicitly or implicitly—where?—in the Bible. That is why anytime we want to talk about this, we are going to go back to Scripture to see what it says.”
“As we have an intimate knowledge of Scripture not for the sake of having knowledge in our heads but for knowing God and loving Him, that’s when He directs our steps and makes Himself very clear."
“To guard our hearts, to know God’s will, to do all these things, we have to be in God’s Word.”
“You may not feel like reading Scripture, you may not feel like you have a desire, but we can go to God in prayer asking and believing that God will reignite that desire in our hearts and that the Holy Spirit will illuminate the text and give us understanding.”
“We set ourselves up for failure when we think that successful quiet time or a successful time in the Word looks a certain way or is a certain amount of time. We create all these “laws”, in a sense, for our quiet time.”
“He just wants you to come before Him, to ‘be still’, and for you to trust that He will help you put into practice what it is that you’ve been longing for even if you haven’t been able to do it for weeks, months, years . . .”
“Scripture is God’s Word written down, revealed to man, and it is profitable for teaching, correction, and instruction. When we look at what Scripture does for the life of the Christian, it is the backbone, it is the driving force, it is what we as Christians should be consistently referring back to. It should be our whole basis for why we do anything that we do, decisions that we make, advice that we need.”
Psalm 119:105
Psalm 1:2
Deut. 6:8-9
John 17:17
John 1:1
1 Peter 3:15
John 7:16-17
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Matthew 22:37-40
John 14:15
Hebrews 4:12
Proverbs 16:9
Psalm 119:9-11, 18
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Forbes Article on Social Media
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