Our busy world is flying by faster than we can change out of our floppy PJs most days. Beyond the main street chaos, there are countless women who stay at home by choice or by necessity: behind closed doors while the family is out, the husband is at work, the children are at school, or if you’re like me, dealing with a chronic illness. If you’re one of these women, it can be a huge blessing to have the ability to stay in the home. Sometimes, it can also feel like a burden as we watch the world fly by outside of our windows, wishing we could join in...
February 14th is probably one of the most loved and hated holidays of the year. It’s loved by elementary-aged kids who can’t wait to hand their crush a valentine, and it’s treasured by those in committed relationships who celebrate the tradition of expressing love through gift-giving and fancy dinners. But it’s hated by those who are reminded that they are spending another day without a significant other...
If you grew up in an agnostic household like I did, you are familiar with the idea of “Christmas isn't about presents, it's about Jesus' birthday”—not as a reminder that we are celebrating God sending his only begotten son to be born of a virgin, live a sinless life, and die for our sins so that we may have a chance to enter God's eternal kingdom—but as a threat. A threat suggesting that if I didn't cooperate, my holiday would be stripped down to this boring Baby God...