Introducing Issue 5: Available for Pre-Order and Subscription
We at Deeply Rooted Magazine are excited to share a preview of Issue 5, "Life," celebrating the new life we have in Christ! This spring issue also marks our first birthday, and we are in awe of what God has done this year, through us, for his glory. Thank you for being a part of it!
Our theme verse for Issue 5 is: "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life." —1 John 5:12
This issue unravels a rather broad theme: Life. How do dreams, trials, relationships, and the churn of our regular responsibilities impact our daily lives, and how does our new life in Christ play into that routine?

- Facing Doubt: An Introduction to Apologetics
- Hope for the Broken Home
- A Walk Through Psalm 1: Experiencing the Happy Life
- Freedom from Comparison
- Why Work: Overcoming Society's Myths About Work
134 pages; 26 articles; offset printed and perfect bound; UV-coated cover; full color; printed at a small, local business in the USA; cover photo by Emily Magers
If you would like to pre-order your issue, you can do so by clicking here. All pre-orders are set to be shipped on 3/23/2015*. We also now offer a subscription service where you are automatically billed every (3) months with a savings of 10% on each issue! To become a DRM subscriber, please click here.
*date subject to change without notice
We are so grateful for your continued support and we are excited to uncover so many awesome things that we have planned for 2015. Please continue to spread the word about our publication and be sure to share any pictures you have of our products by using #deeplyrootedmag and #bedeeplyrooted on Instagram and other social media sites.