Issue One Corrections
We want to continue to thank all of our readers, supporters, and staff who have contributed in one way or another to the success of our first issue. As this was our first print issue, we have been through a crash course in magazine publishing, and are continuing to learn along the way. Somewhere in the process of receiving submissions, editing, designing, and finalizing, there were errors that slipped through the cracks, and for that we must apologize. We stand for truth as a magazine, and it is of great importance to us that we represent truth well. In this particular case that includes names of authors, artists, and photographers, as well as grammar. To those of you whom this affected, thank you for your humble, gracious responses and understanding. Below is the list of corrected names. For the sake of time and space, we are not including grammar corrections but please know this is an area our team is working diligently to improve in the future.
- O
mitted Photo Credits, cover and pg. 5
Images by Kristin Rogers - Copy Editor Credits
Beth Spurgetis (omitted)
Katie Fike (not Katie Klopman) - Finding the Light, pg. 26
Words and Image by Molly Flanagan (not Molly Flanigan) - Blueberry and Gorgonzola Spring Salad with Blueberry Fizz Drink, pg. 61
Words by Teresa Gonzalez (not Kansas Kennedy) - Cream Scones with Warm Honey and Fresh Strawberry Mash, pg. 65
Image by Michael Kartes (not Rob Kartes) - Carrying Spring, pg. 78
Image by Sharon McKeeman (not Shannon McKeeman)
As we’ve been growing and learning through the process of creating, raising support for, and launching a magazine -- virtually from scratch -- we have learned that the Lord uses the weak things in this world to bring glory and credit for successes to Himself (1 Cor. 1:27-31). We are being equipped and supplied with the Lord’s sufficient grace as we learn to create and publish a magazine that is glorifying to Him. Again, thank you for all of your encouraging, gracious responses to the first issue. It is our hope that you continue to read and be edified by the art and content God has called us to create.
With that said, our second issue is right around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited for the fresh, vibrant pieces that have come together as a whole. Stay tuned for a sneak peek inside...